lördag 15 september 2018

First training this season

A single night with acceptable temperature for training premiere - and it was on Bielkersmil's Titan of Polar one-year day. For the first time in his life, he had the honor of celebrating the day in a four team before our tricycle.

He has ran short distances twice before the kickbike with only one other dog as a company.

It will be really exciting to see how he develops because his debut as a working dog was something beyond what I have experienced.

He is a natural talent who immediately knew what he should do and how he dit it was amazing.

Tucked lines all the time, no trailing alight, full focus all the time even as we past the horses and that there were three other dogs in the team did not seem to bother him at all.

On the video below, Corona and Saiko are in lead, Mieto to the left as weeldog and Titan to the right.

Hopefully the training season is about to start at last, that is if the temperature is low enough. I will start very easy going short distances since tthree of the females in the team has had puppies this year. Crossing my fingers for colder weather.

onsdag 25 juli 2018

Two male puppies and one female puppy left for reservation

There are two male puppies and a bitch puppy left for reservation from Jotka's litter. Delivery at the beginning of September. Send sms or email if you are interested. Now it's hotter than hottest in Jonsbyn. In the dog yards, it's very calm and quiet in the day, but in the evening, they start to play as well as in the morning / morning before the sun rises too high. Kallas and Corona's puppies, despite the heat, need to get rid of some energy, discover new environments and strengthen their muscles and bones so when the sun does not beam too hard, we go for a walk in the nearby forest. The backpack is packed with bowls and water and with the camera over the shoulder it wears off.
Both the bitches and the puppies go full speed over bushes, stumps, logs and rocks and do not seem to be worried at all by the heat. It just seems to be mum who find it hard to lift the legs in the heat.


Corona slooks for squirrels

Full speed over stones and bushes - perfect for building good muscles and bones

 Kalla managed to find a wet spot in the very dry forest - enough to dirty herself

Corona leads the way

lördag 21 juli 2018

Only two male puppies and one female puppy from Jotkas litter available

Now Bielkersmil's Yang of Karelin has found a new home and will soon move to Haninge.

There is now only two male puppies and female puppy from Jotka's litter available (see more info under the puppies info tab). They are ready for delivery in early September. If you are interested, you will reach us safely via email bielkersmil@gmail.com or sms 0700405267

söndag 15 juli 2018

Few puppies available


Almost all of Jotka and Frejs´puppies have found new homes to move to.

There are only two male puppies available from Jotkas litter
We also have one male puppy from Corona and Charlie left.
He is 10 weeks old, has extremly much energy and will need a strong leadership and lots of activity.
If you are interested please send e-mail or sms. (we are hard to contact on phone)
e-mail: bielkersmil@gmail.com
telephon: 0700405267

Yang, 10 weeks old

Some of  Jotkas puppies  1 week old

söndag 8 juli 2018

Jotka - mother 180707

The night to July 7, Jotka gave birth 10 well-made puppies, five male puppies and five female puppies. If you are interested in a puppy, you can contact me via SMS, email or at FB via message on the Bielkersmils kennel page. There are some puppies left to reserve

mail: bielkersmil@gmail.com
FB Bielkersmils kennel
Jotka stolt mamma till 10 valpar

onsdag 13 juni 2018

Jotka is mated

On the 7/5-18 mating took place between
pdp Bielkersmils Jatka of Birk regnr: 45687/2013
pdp, SE(Polar)CH, SEUCH Bielkersmils Fantastic Frej of Nallo


HD:index 108 for the litter

The puppies are expected to arrive around the 9/7-18

More info will come under "puppyinfo"

Jotka is a strong quite big female who loves to run and works really hard in the harness.She is very friendly and loves to be cuddled. She has been very successful in long distance races. She is easy to handle and she gets very well along with other dogs and she loves people. She moves very well, has excellent pigmentation, excellent coat, excellent paws and she has never been ill. She works as either lead dog or wheel dog and she keeps a good speed and is commando responsive.

Frej is a wonderful guy with great personality.
A never-ending engine with huge will and big heart, a real fighter who never gives up.
Patient, obstinate, busy, stubborn (in a positive way), kind and calm.He loves children, is safe and has a stable psyche. Mentaltestad with very good results.
He lives together with his "brother" Bielkersmils Igor. They are inseparable and the world's best friends.

Frej has been and has been very successful at competitions as well as in the show ring.
Before he was 3 years old he became Swedish show champion with PDP.and today he is also a Swedish Polardog champion.
In a team, he works both as a wheeldog and in lead. He is very strong and commando responsive and always works wit excellent focus.
There are a lot of dogs on the west coast that have started their sleddog training with Frej as a rabbit

He moves very well, has excellent coat , good paws and ears.
He loves all people and is very keen.
Send PM if you are interested in a puppy





måndag 21 maj 2018

Lots of activity in the whelpingboxes

On 5/5 Corona gave birth to her puppies. There were three bitches and 4 males. There is a male puppy otingad u Corona and two male puppies u Kalla. called puppies are deliverables at the beginning of week 26 and Corona's earliest 30/6. Email or send a message on our kennel page on facebook if you are interested.

Micky Treutleins foto.
Mothers paw works fine as a pillow

If you are interested in an older dog, maybe Bielkersmils Isa of Zouroff  u pdp SE (Polar) Ch Bielkersmils Avatara of Kartman and e Great Zima Prince Zouroff may be of interest. She is looking for a new home. 
She has HD degree B. Reg No SE42462 / 2013. Eyes without remark. . She likes many different activities, loves to go everywhere with the family, but she can also be calm. She is a very happy dog ​​who likes children. She has pulled her mum on a bike some times and she seems to enjoy that

tisdag 1 maj 2018

Kalla has given birth

Night to the 28/4 born Kalla gave birth to 8 healthy and well-made puppies. It became 3 bitches and five males.
 It was a straightforward delivery, but since she got the first puppy about 01 and the last puppy at 12.30 I was very tired before it was clear. And it didn´t help that she woke me up at 04.04 on 27/4. 

Now they are here and Kalla is a very good mother who takes good care of her puppies. She has plenty of food and the puppies do like puppies are supposed to, they eat asleep and grow. 

There are some unreserved male puppies left. If you are interested, please email bielkersmil@gmail.com or send a message on Bielkersmils kennel page on FB. You can also try to call (+46700405267) but the coverage is poor where we live so it is safer to email.

proud mother

Kalla and her puppies


söndag 15 april 2018

Waiting for puppies

Time for Kalla and Corona to give birth is closing up. Kalla is expected to give birth around the 29:th of April and Corona around the 5:th of May, so now we are keeping our fingers crossed that they will healthy puppies



lördag 31 mars 2018

Beautiful Easter Eve

Today we had blue sky and about 5 degrees centigrade in Jonsbyn. Me, Charlie and Etna took a tour on Acksjön - it was marvelous.

torsdag 29 mars 2018

Happy Easter!

Here in Jonsbyn the snow is still deep (about 2dm). Thanks to the strong cold of the last nights (-18 degrees), the snow is so hard that you can walk everywhere and our very own pair of pair of Easter rabbits use of the possibility. They jump around the garden and look for something edible, some oatorns that the birds have sprung down from the bird table may be welcome breakfast and, for supper, some bark from our young apple trees. 
Kalla and Corona are both mated and Kalla is today at day 33 after mating and Corona on day 28. A normal pregnancy is 63 days +/- 3 days so they have almost gone half the pregnancy time.
 I think they've gotten a little bigger around the waist but can not say anything for sure, so just wait and see the time and hope the matings are successful. 

We wish all our friends Happy Easterholidays!

söndag 25 mars 2018

Ergo and Kosa have moved

Yesterday Ergo and Kosa moved to Jenny, Daniel and their daughter in Söderköping. We wish them good luck with their new family members and we are sure that Ergo will have a really good retirement and Kosa will enjoy beeing his company.

fredag 9 mars 2018

Håkans story about the Polardistance race 2018

Siberian Huskies and Greenland Dogs had to give in against our samoyed team when the World Championships in the long distance were settled in connection with Polardistans in Särna.
Unfortunately, Sverre Moens Alaskan Malamutes were a little too sharp for us. We chose to start last to keep an eye on the field and after 2h 48min and the first 30km up to the mountain  we had passed 13 of the 16 starting teams. Sverre and his team were still ahead of us but  he started before us and at this time we were 18minutes quicker so we were in lead.
It was snowy during the night, the trails were partly soft.. The sticks I had were not suitable for the deep snow and every now and then they partly disappered into the snow which made my skiing hard.
 After about 110 km on the trail we had a passage of about 20km where we were the first in the trail and the snow was deep, about 20-30cm, and it was difficult to see where the trail was running.
Both me and Sverre missed a turn and went the wrong way for about 2 hours before we  turned and got back on trail.15km extra on a trail that already measured 167km in total, was not something we wished for after 16hours on the go.
In our mistake, Rinaldo with 4 Siberian Huskies also joined and the medal trion was ready 40km ahead of the finish line.
I took the lead with the Samoyeds and tracked for about 5 km when we got close contact with about 200 reindeer. Galloping after  trotting reindeer for about three km and we were alone in lead again. Unfortunately maybe the speed was to much for Etna who started limping and she was put in the sledge bag. Soon Sverre caught up and went ahead of us once more.
  After just over 24hours on trail we reached the finish line i Särna, seco  in World Champion ship.
 Thank you all Samoyed friends who held thumbs and paws for Bielkersmil's brave warriors Corona 8.5 years, Etna 8 years Charlie 4.5 years, Mieto 3.5 and to the man himself who is a bit too old for this adventures.

torsdag 8 mars 2018

Silver medal on World Championship 2018

Håkan and the four Samoyeds, Corona, Etna, Mieto and Charlie ended in a honorable second place at World Championship Polardistance 160km, pulka style 2018. Deep snow snow made this year's Polardistans one of the toughest PDs that Håkan has participated in, so the Samoyeds really got to show which outstanding sled dogs they are. With the pulk full with the required equipment, the team was in lead with 18min about 20 km from the finishline. Unfortunately Etna started to limp a bit so she had to go to the sled, which meant that the team lost the lead and finished second. There was another 7 samojeder from kennel Bielkersmil's breeding participating i PD 160km. These were included in Lars Jämtsveds 8 team who won the PD 160 sledge. It's really fun that our breeding has led to so many good sled dogs

the start

tisdag 6 mars 2018

Polardistance 160km

Today sometime between 13 och 14.30  Håkan will start Polardistance 160km with 4 dogs, with pulka and skiing. The dogs that he brought with him are in leed Bielkersmils Corona of Allsvinn aka Corona, Bielkersmil's Etna of Pepper aka Etna, and as wheeldogs Bielkersmils Karelin of Nallo aka Charlie and Bielkersmils Meetme of Nallo aka Mieto.

During the current season, they have ran about 1650km in training so I hope they are excited and eager to work as well as on training. 

Corona is veteran in the field of Polardistance and it is the fourth time she starts (the three times she has participated earlier, her team has won), Etna and Mieto are veterans as well and it will be their second start, Charlie is the only rookie and thus making its debut start. 

 If you want to follow the progress of the team, please visit the link: http://www.polardistans.se/index.php/en/an-k2/pd160-1-4-hundar-pulka

lördag 3 mars 2018

Corona mated 2/3-18

On the second of March 2018 there was a mating between pdp SE(Polar)Ch Bielkersmils Corona of Allsvinn aka Corona and Bielkersmils Karelin of Nallo aka Charlie.




Corona is one of our best bitches. She has been an exellent leed dog since she was 1,5 year old and is still in leed of our best team. She has been very successful both in the showring (she misses only one CC to be a Swedish Show champion) and in many races, both sprint, middle distance and long distance. She was in leed of the team that finished 30km in less than 2 hours. She has participated in Polardistance 160 three times and won them all, the best race time was 15h 27min. She has also finished Amundsen race 300km.
Charlie has been in competition only a few times, but he has done very well both in show and races and is a very hardworking wheeldog.

If the mating is successful the puppies will be ready to deliver around the 30:th of June.
More information about the litter will soon be found on our website bielkersmils.com under the tab puppy info. If you are interested in a puppy from this litter please send an e-mail (bielkersmil@gmail.com), pm om FB or message on our kennelsite on FB.

tisdag 27 februari 2018

Kalla mated 25/2-18

On Sunday 25/2-18 I went to Norway with Bielkersmil's Kalla of Nallo aka Kalla and there was a mating between her and  Sun Master's Ring of Fire aka Otis so now we hope that many healthy  puppies will be born in late April.



If the mating is successful the puppies will be ready to deliver around the 25:th of June.

 More information about the puppies' parents as well as their pedigree will soon be found under the puppies tab. If you are interested in a puppy, please contact us preferably by email (our phone coverage is very bad).

mail: bielkersmil@gmail.com
phone: +46700405267

söndag 7 januari 2018

Bielkersmils starting 2018

Lovely trainingtour sunny and cold 180106

Even colder as sun sets
I am currently running 9-team with the Samoyeds, and I have borrowed Taroda (AH) who has been injured  and needs some rehabilitation training with shorter distances and lower pace, so the team is a ten-team.

The dogs work well and I'm impressed by Corona who is now in her ninth year and still works great in lead along with Jotka. As wheeldogs, the couple Charlie and Mieto go. Both work very stable but make mum very annoyed because one of them (probably Mieto) chews off one of their necklines every time we stop and I forget to remind them that it's no-no.

Yesterday I drove barely 60km and there were 6 necklines broken (consider putting tabasco on the ropes). In about -15 degrees and darkness it was very annoying to first take off the remains of the broken line and then put a new one on with stiff-frozen fingers, but the dogs are forgiven-it's not possible to be annoyed for a long time when they with waving tails and wide smiles buff and puff to get a pat, and then before I had gotten up on the Troll wagon again they were eagerly pulling.
Titan 16weeks




Hoe again after training 30/12-17

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all our puppy buyers and friends!

Now all Lavas´puppies have moved, all but one Bielkersmils Titan of Polar whom we decided to keep
Taiga moved to Fredric and Elin

Triton aka Mounty moved to Henri and Mirella in Holland

Tundra aka Arvika moved to Chelly in Holland
Tofflus aka Tofflus moved tol AnnaSofie in Norway

Tellus aka Rocky moved to Sandra
Ttriton, Tundra & Titan

Ttriton, Tundra & Titan

Ttriton, Tundra & Titan

Sälka, Ttriton, Tundra & Titan

Triton aka Mounty

Tundra aka Arvika

Mounty & Arvika




Arvika & Mounty

all Lavas puppies