lördag 3 mars 2018

Corona mated 2/3-18

On the second of March 2018 there was a mating between pdp SE(Polar)Ch Bielkersmils Corona of Allsvinn aka Corona and Bielkersmils Karelin of Nallo aka Charlie.




Corona is one of our best bitches. She has been an exellent leed dog since she was 1,5 year old and is still in leed of our best team. She has been very successful both in the showring (she misses only one CC to be a Swedish Show champion) and in many races, both sprint, middle distance and long distance. She was in leed of the team that finished 30km in less than 2 hours. She has participated in Polardistance 160 three times and won them all, the best race time was 15h 27min. She has also finished Amundsen race 300km.
Charlie has been in competition only a few times, but he has done very well both in show and races and is a very hardworking wheeldog.

If the mating is successful the puppies will be ready to deliver around the 30:th of June.
More information about the litter will soon be found on our website bielkersmils.com under the tab puppy info. If you are interested in a puppy from this litter please send an e-mail (bielkersmil@gmail.com), pm om FB or message on our kennelsite on FB.

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