torsdag 8 mars 2018

Silver medal on World Championship 2018

Håkan and the four Samoyeds, Corona, Etna, Mieto and Charlie ended in a honorable second place at World Championship Polardistance 160km, pulka style 2018. Deep snow snow made this year's Polardistans one of the toughest PDs that Håkan has participated in, so the Samoyeds really got to show which outstanding sled dogs they are. With the pulk full with the required equipment, the team was in lead with 18min about 20 km from the finishline. Unfortunately Etna started to limp a bit so she had to go to the sled, which meant that the team lost the lead and finished second. There was another 7 samojeder from kennel Bielkersmil's breeding participating i PD 160km. These were included in Lars Jämtsveds 8 team who won the PD 160 sledge. It's really fun that our breeding has led to so many good sled dogs

the start

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