lördag 21 december 2019

Happy Christmas

Happy christmas and A Happy New Year

There are still two male puppies avaialble, one from Taigas litter and one from Raisas litter, send e-mail if you are interested.

måndag 25 november 2019

One male puppy available

There is one male puppy available from Taiga's litter due to a cancellation. Send me a PM if you are interested. The puppy will be ready to deliver on the 7:th of December at the earliest.

söndag 27 oktober 2019

Puppies already two weeks old

Late in the evening 12 october Taiga gave birth to seven small miracles. There are five male and two female puppies.
one day old

Now the puppies are already two weeks old and most of them have opened their eyes. As they aren´t eating or sleeping they walk around on unsteady legs in the wheelping box.

lördag 12 oktober 2019

Soon time

Today is Taiga a bit anxious. She is walking back and forth and preparing the bed in the welping box - maybe the puppies will come today. We are crossing our fingers and hopeing for healthy and strong puppies.

Taiga in the weloing box

On the first of September there was a mating between Bielkersmils Raisa of Ergo aka Raisa och  Blåtassen Actinides Nobelium aka Vargen. Raisa has now become a bit round so around the third of November she will hopefully give birth.



A couple of weeks ago we had a very nice visit from our dear friend Pernilla. She helped me to take some new photos.

Varya of Otis
Yetta of  Karelin

Zora of Frej

Bielkersmils Zora of Polar

söndag 1 september 2019

Bielkersmils Taiga of Polar mated

Belkersmils Alutka of Polar

On the twelfth of August there was a mating between Bielkersmils Taiga of Polar and
NORD JV-11, RLD N Dragonora Twilight aka Nemo so now we are hoping for puppies in about two months.

There will soon be more information if you click "Puppyinfo".

Below are some photos from Taiga and Nemo.







Saikos puppies are growing and are already soon twelve weeks old and since they are moving abroad and need rabies vaccination they are still living on the kennel.They are very playful, as puppies are, and it´s hard to take photos since they are almost never still. Below you can find some photos.

Bielkersmils A´Vikan of Polar 190831

Bielkersmils A´Vikan of Polar 190831

Bielkersmils A´Vikan of Polar 190831
Bielkersmils Ares of Polar aka Everest 11 weeks old

Bielkersmils Ares of Polar aka Everest 11 weeks old

Bielkersmils Ares of Polar aka Everest 11 weeks old
Bielkersmils Arak of Polar 11 weeks

Bielkersmils Arak of Polar 190831

Bielkersmils Arak of Polar

Bielkersmils Arak of Polar
Bielkersmils Aniu of Polar 11 weeks

Bielkersmils Aniu of Polar 11 weeks

Bielkersmils Alutka of Polar 11 weeks

Bielkersmils Alutka of Polar

Bielkersmils Alutka of Polar

Bielkersmils Alutka of Polar

fredag 5 juli 2019

One male puppy still available

There is still one male puppy available. Please sen an-e-mail to bielkersmil@gmail.com or text to +46700405267 if you are interested

måndag 17 juni 2019

Saikos´puppies are born

On the 10:th of June Saiko gave birth to six healthy puppies. It´s four males and two females. There is no puppy available.

måndag 27 maj 2019

Cold May

May beeing so cold I can still take the dogs for short trining tours. Here are Titan and Mieto running 3km through the green landscape.

tisdag 23 april 2019

Bielkersmils Saiko of Iwan mated

On the 12/4 Bielkersmila Saiko of Iwan aka Saiko and NL ch Taigaro Archangel Arvid aka Polar aka Polar mated. Polar is the father of Bielkersmil's Titan of Polar who lives on the kennel and which we are very pleased with. We now hope for many healthy well-created puppies in mid-June. More information about the parental animals as well as pictures and the puppies pedigree will eventually be found under the puppy info tab.


Polar & Chelly



Polar & Chelly

lördag 16 februari 2019

Dog race in Ore 2019

Last weekend I was competing in Furudal at the Swedish Samoyed meeting.

I drove a six-team sled with the dogs: Saiko, Charlie, Igor, Jotka, Mieto and Moss. There were ten teams that starting in the class.

The competition is a two-day competition and the distance is a total of 20km + (this year it was a total of 25km divided into two-day heat).

The first race day I started as number seven. The dogs seemed to be tagged in spite of the wet and heavy conditions and kept good speed the first few kilometers and we  past the team that had started 2 min before us. The rest of the stage went pretty well and I was happy with the day.

On Sunday we started as number five. Even before the start, Charlie began to show that he thought that Saiko, with whom he was i lead of the team, smelled really good and he was more interested in mating than running. Once we had started we were off with good speed and continued so about 1.5 km, then the lust was too uch for Charlie and the team stopped. (The thing is that Saiko wasn´t in heat but apparently she smelled very good anyway).

After some confusion, I realized that I had to change the lead dog and put forth Mieto together with Charlie (Mieto has never gone in lead but always done a very good job as wheeldog) and Saiko, who became so insecure beacause of Chalie's courtesies that she did not at all want to move forward, was placed second.
Finally, the team moved forward again. We had been overtaken by the team that started two minutes after us. Knowing that we really did not have time to waste if we were to pass the qualification I did what I could to encourage the dogs to increase the pace and helped them in all uphill.
We kept good speed but a speed that was actually more adapted for longer distance - not for sprint. When we had a few kilometers left, we suddenly caught up with the team that had passed us earlier. We kept on a couple of team lengths and kept pace, so on a hill the team ahead of us had a super throttle and after about 10 seconds of waiting I realized that it would take time before they came off so I chose to drive by.
We crossed the finish line without more incidents, unfortunately with a total time that was one second longer than the team that we had passed and which was not enough for a 1st prize. We ended up at a sixth place and without the award I had hoped for. Now I hope for good training conditions for the next season.

finish first day