söndag 27 oktober 2019

Puppies already two weeks old

Late in the evening 12 october Taiga gave birth to seven small miracles. There are five male and two female puppies.
one day old

Now the puppies are already two weeks old and most of them have opened their eyes. As they aren´t eating or sleeping they walk around on unsteady legs in the wheelping box.

lördag 12 oktober 2019

Soon time

Today is Taiga a bit anxious. She is walking back and forth and preparing the bed in the welping box - maybe the puppies will come today. We are crossing our fingers and hopeing for healthy and strong puppies.

Taiga in the weloing box

On the first of September there was a mating between Bielkersmils Raisa of Ergo aka Raisa och  Blåtassen Actinides Nobelium aka Vargen. Raisa has now become a bit round so around the third of November she will hopefully give birth.



A couple of weeks ago we had a very nice visit from our dear friend Pernilla. She helped me to take some new photos.

Varya of Otis
Yetta of  Karelin

Zora of Frej

Bielkersmils Zora of Polar