tisdag 29 mars 2022

Puppies expected

Yesterday (220328), mating took place between SE59642 / 2019 Bielkersmils Crux Of Nobelium and SE33613 / 2018Bielkersmils Varya Of Otis, so now we hope that Varya gives birth to healthy, well-shaped puppies around 30 May. The litter's inbreeding rate is 0.6% and the HD index is 113. Information about the puppies' pedigree and parents you will soon be able to see under the tab Puppy info.




fredag 4 mars 2022

Polardistance 2022

Yesterday, team Bielkersmils, my husband Håkan and the dogs Titan, Crux, Eimo and Saiko, finally reached the finish line after three hundred kilometers of competition.
Håkan skied and the dogs pulled a sledge with the obligatory equipment. Unfortunately the dogs were not as well trained as we had planned them to be because the training conditions in January and February were really bad with ice everywhere.
They finished fourth in their World Cup status, beaten only by three Siberian Husky teams.

 Håkan and our dogs were the only Samoyed team among all classes and I am so proud of their achievement.

 Below are some pictures from the competition.

The trail 

Titan realxing before the competition


Crux och Titan in lead,  Eimo and Saiko as wheel- dogs