söndag 6 december 2020

The 2nd Advent 2020

The 2nd Advent (6/12) 2020, not a bit of snow and 4 degrees  warm. After the snow that came on Thursday (3/12) it has rained a lot and the approx. five cm that came is completely gone except that some of the snow has been turned into ice on the road a couple of km away. After today's training trip, which was only a total of 4km due to the ice, Crux and Titan looked as if they had taken a mud bath. So sad. 

 Below are some new photos of Zora and Aniu that I plan to mate in 2021. Zora hopefully in March and Aniu (if HD and eyes are ok) in February or maybe the heat after that in August. Male is not destined for any of the bitches.
Zora 6/12-20

Zora 6/12-20

Zora 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

Aniu 6/12-20

lördag 17 oktober 2020

Time flies

On the 23:rd of September Yetta gave birth to eight healthy puppies, five females and three males.They will be ready to deliver on the 20:th of November at the earliest. 

Yetta and her newly born puppies

Wow, time flies. Both Saikos´and Varyas´puppies have already moved to new homes. Below are some photos from them.
Varya and her newly born puppies

Varyas´ boys


Saiko and her newly born puppies

 Saikos daughter "Dottir"

Black and blue male from Saikos kull

Varyas´ boys


One of Saikos´boys who doesn´t want his picture to be taken

Saikos´ puppies on adventure in the woods

Saikos´ puppies on adventure in the woods

måndag 27 juli 2020

Soon time for birth

Saiko is making herself feel at home in the whelping box. She has grown very round and we are looking forward to the puppies arrival with excitement. It´s her second litter so I believe she knows what is about to happen.

On the 22:nd of July there was a mating:
e Time Freeze Artur av Fannhvit
u Bielkersmils Yetta of Karelin
If the mating was successful we are hopeing that Yetta will deliver puppies around the 22:nd of September. More information about this litter will come under Puppyinfo. All puppies from this litter are reserved.



fredag 10 juli 2020

Pregnant females

Saiko and Varya are getting a bit round. Saiko is expected to give birth around the 30:th of July and Varya around the 6:th of August.

Varya & Saiko

Varya & Saiko


On the second of July I entered the virtual Cani X Challange Femundlöpet 210km. I´m doing this together with all our samoyeds.
I started in heavy rain with Charlie (who already finished CaniX 650 with Håkan) and Yetta.

söndag 28 juni 2020

CaniX Challange finished

Just in time for Midsummer lunch Håkan and Charlie reached the finish line in CaniX Challange Femundrace 650km - Well done! The finish was on the 2km long beach at lake Mången and was celebrated by a bath and grilling sausages.

söndag 7 juni 2020

Håkan and Charlie keep on running

The goal is approaching for Håkan and Charlie in the CaniX Challange Femundrace 650km and maybe they can pass the finish line just before Midsummer. Charlie doesn't want to leave his kennel right now because there are three bitches in heat in the kennel next to his, but when Håkan has made him go into the woods, the wish to run takes over.

torsdag 4 juni 2020

One more mating

Today the 4/6-20 there has been even one more mating with a Bielkersmils bitch
u Bielkersmils varya Of Otis aka Varya
Born: 2018-04-28
Regnr: SE33613/2018
Weight: 17kg
Height: 51cm
Eyes: UA
e Brantas Gård Avicii aka Minou
Born: 2017-01-13
Regnr: SE13253/2017
Wieght: 24kg
Height: Ca 59cm
ED: 0
Eyes: UA
HDindex of the litter: 105

If everything goes well the puppies will be born around the 6:th of August and they will be ready to deliver around the 1/10.

More information will come on the website under puppyinfo. All puppies are reserved.



söndag 31 maj 2020


On thursday the 28/5 there was a mating between Bielkersmils Saiko Of Iwan and Bielkersmils Titan Of Polar. So now we are hopeing that everything goes well and that there will be a bunch of healthy puppies born around the 30/7. The puppies will be ready to deliver around the 24:th of September. All puppies are reserved.







måndag 25 maj 2020

At last - the females are in heat

After a bit of waiting the two bitches that are supposed to be mated have gone into heat. Saiko started on the 20/5 and Varya today (25/5). Now we just have to wait for the to be ready to be mated.

Håkan and Charlie have so far run 300km during May month in the virtuel Challange Cani X Femundrace 650 and are closing up to CP Drevsjö.
Come on - I want to get going!
and in the evening I too went for a run but not at all as far as Håkan and Charlie. I brought four eager furry friends and they really enjoyed themselves.

söndag 10 maj 2020

Pizza at CP Tufsingdalen

Charlie and Håkan are doing well in the virtual challange Femundrace CaniX 650km. On friday they had passed CP Tufsingdalen where the support delivered home made pizza and now they have run 98km in nine days and are soon arriving at CP Drevsjö.

Yesterday they even had some time for a nice long hike. The weather was perfect for a nice hike. I, Håkan, our son Jussi, the two samoyeds Yetta and Charlie and the AH Kokos went 9,6km in the beautiful surroundings. Half way we stopped for some lunch.




Charlie & I


torsdag 7 maj 2020

CP Tufsingdalen - soon arriving?

Time for a new run today and Charlie is just as excited every day.
They are getting closer to CP Tufsingdalen and the question is - will they arrive there in time for friday pizza?
Here you can follow Håkan, Charlie and the other participants and see how far they have gone: