fredag 27 september 2024

Planned mating

We plan to mate Bielkersmil's Zora of Karelin with Bielkersmil's Eimo of Avici. Zora is expected to run in early October. If all goes well, there will be puppies for sale ready for delivery in January-February 2025.

Zora is a medium-sized, short-coated, Samoyed-type stubborn bitch. Zora has very good pigment, good paws, excellent short coat, excellent movements and good mentality. She has been exhibited once with assessment Excellent. She is easy to handle, child-friendly, playful and cuddly. She usually walks like a wheeldog when she's pulling.

Eimo is a large male of medium type with excellent movement, excellent pigment, short excellent coat. Eimo is easy to handle, playful and cuddly. He loves to work. Håkan and he are best running buddies and Eimo is happy to join in regardless of whether the distance is 10 or 60 km. Eimo is an excellent working dog and usually goes like a wheeldog when we drive. Unlike most Samoyeds, he loves water. He likes to bathe when there is an opportunity and voluntarily takes a swim.

He has run the Polar Distance 300km when he was 18 months old and was then by far the best of the dogs in the team of four.

If you are interested in reserving a puppy, please contact us.

Send sms: +46700405267 (you can try calling but we have very poor coverage so we are difficult to reach by phone)

The puppies' pedigree (inbreeding rate 2.7% HD index on litter 101)




Happily, the temperature at night and in the early mornings has been low enough for us to run the dogs. YesterdayI went 5km with 12 dogs. Aniu and Freya in lead, the young dogs Naaja, Nesha and Nanu as team dogs and Isha and Eimo as wheeldogs. A nice trip in the sunshine, 2 degrees warm and happy energetic dogs.

lördag 29 juni 2024

Three male puppies looking for new homes

The puppies are now about 10 weeks old and many have moved to their new homes. 

There are, however, three lively, cuddly and easy-to-handle male puppies left to take care of. 

The puppies left are:
Bielkersmil's Love Heartly of Louis (light blue).
Bielkersmil's Love Actually of Louis (yellow).
Bielkersmil's Love Softly of Louis (turquoise).

The puppies are born 240417 and ready for delivery. You will find more pictures on Facebook "Bielkersmil's kennel in the album Isha and Louis puppies". send pm on facebook or
sms: +46700405267

Pictured above is from the left. turquoise male, light blue male, orange female (reserved) and yellow male.

lördag 15 juni 2024

Puppies are moving

Now it's full speed in the dog yard until someone approaches, then all the puppies curiously come up to the fence. The puppies are now about 8 weeks old and today the first three moved to their new homes. We wish them all the best with their new family members! 

 There are still 4 male puppies available. Call or text +46700405267 or e-mail if you are interested in buying a puppy.

Bielkersmils Love me of Louis aka Sid moved to Sofie and her family in Ljungby

Bielkersmils Love honestly of Louis moved to Malin and her family outside of Östersund

Bielkersmils Love Forever of Louis aka Togo moved to Andrea and her family outside of Åre

söndag 5 maj 2024

Puppies are growing

Four days ago the puppies started to open their eyes and today all have opened them. Isha still has plenty of food so the puppies eat, grow and sleep most of the time. Once they are awake for short periods, they explore the litter box and each other. 
I ampretty tired by now as Isha seems to have turned the clock. She can sleep up to 5 hours during the day without having to go out to pee, but at night she needs to go out at least every two hours.

There are still some male dogs that are not reserved.
Send e-mail to
text to +46700405267 if you are interested.

onsdag 1 maj 2024

Puppies newly born

On Wednesday the 17th of April, Isha gave birth to eleven healthy and energetic puppies. There are seven male puppies and four female puppies. Isha is amazingly talented as a first mother with such a large litter. She takes good care of the puppies and has plenty of food so the puppies feel good and grow fast. There are a few male puppies to reserve. 

If you are interested in a puppy, you can email, send an SMS to 0700405267 or send a message on Facebook. I am relatively difficult to reach by phone because we have very poor coverage. 

e pdp Snödiamantens Skaarra Loui regnr: SE29221/2021 HD: B eyes ua heigh approx. 59cm
u Bielkersmil's Isha of Moses regnr: SE53437/2021 HD:A eyes ua height at withers approx. 55 cm 

 The puppies' pedigree (inbreeding rate 0%, HD index 107)







The father Louis

måndag 26 februari 2024

Love on Valentine´s Day


Unfortunately, it turned out that Freya had tricked us. She happily ate double rations and gained 7kg in weight so we were sure she was pregnant but when she hadn't had any puppies on day 65 we took the safe bet and x-rayed her. Unfortunately, it turned out that she was falsely pregnant and she did not carry a single puppy. 

On Valentine's Day we had a new mating which we now hope will give better results.
 e pdp Snödiamantens Skaarra Loui regnr: SE29221/2021 HD: B eyes ua 
height: 59cm
u Bielkersmil's Isha of Moses regnr: SE53437/2021 HD:A eyes ua 
height: approx. 55 cm





Litter HD-index:108 rate of inbreed 0%
Puppy pedigree

about Isha: Isha is a very soft and easy-to-handle bitch with a good draft. Unfortunately, she was in heat
earlier than expected, which meant that she has not completed any working test. Isha has participated in
rally obedience course and showed good potential. She goes well with other dogs and of course loves
people just like all Samoyed dogs. Her absolute greatest pleasure is digging.
She has good movements, good coat, paws and pigment. This will be her first litter. 

about Louie: Loui is a happy, kind and calm gentleman who loves to work. In nature he is like the fish
in the water. He is thoroughly enjoying himself. Loui does everything for his mate and he adapts well to
the situation (incredibly responsive), but wants and demands to be active. He has a clear on and off
button. He is cuddly and social. He has completed two working tests 60km and one working test 20+
and received prize 1 on all tests. He has also participated in an exhibition where he received the
assessment Excellent.


måndag 8 januari 2024

Sledtour with exiting meeting

Yesterday I had a lovely 8km sled ride with 6 Samoyeds in the team, Aniu and Cux in the lead, Isha and Honya as pair no. 2 and Eimo and Zora as wheeldogs. The team worked well throughout the very hilly track in the bitter cold (-17 degrees) and gained even higher speed when a large moose suddenly crossed the track about 20m in front of the team.
 To see the moose on film, you have to really pay attention.