lördag 17 oktober 2020

Time flies

On the 23:rd of September Yetta gave birth to eight healthy puppies, five females and three males.They will be ready to deliver on the 20:th of November at the earliest. 

Yetta and her newly born puppies

Wow, time flies. Both Saikos´and Varyas´puppies have already moved to new homes. Below are some photos from them.
Varya and her newly born puppies

Varyas´ boys


Saiko and her newly born puppies

 Saikos daughter "Dottir"

Black and blue male from Saikos kull

Varyas´ boys


One of Saikos´boys who doesn´t want his picture to be taken

Saikos´ puppies on adventure in the woods

Saikos´ puppies on adventure in the woods