Today the 4/6-20 there has been even one more mating with a Bielkersmils bitch
u Bielkersmils varya Of Otis aka Varya
Born: 2018-04-28
Regnr: SE33613/2018
Weight: 17kg
Height: 51cm
Eyes: UA
e Brantas Gård Avicii aka Minou
Born: 2017-01-13
Regnr: SE13253/2017
Wieght: 24kg
Height: Ca 59cm
ED: 0
Eyes: UA
HDindex of the litter: 105
If everything goes well the puppies will be born around the 6:th of August and they will be ready to deliver around the 1/10.
More information will come on the website under puppyinfo. All puppies are reserved.
Minou |
Varya |